Soccer Assigning 

A Referee Guide to Michigan refereeing

Log into Game officials and Make sure your are in Group will be able to tell this by looking under the game officials logo in the upper left (Circled in Blue)

Under Officials make sure to Click My Availability (Circled in Red)

How to set your schedule in Game officials

Make sure you click Save Entry on each of your dates and now we can see you!

Pick a date that you are open to referee - in this option I will pick October 4th

Once you click this date a new window will pop up.  Make sure that you fill out the things in yellow - making sure you click mi ref assigning and clicking Avaialbe in the times that you chose to be open are the most important so you can get games - but you can click all if you want.  WE can not see your scheduler unless you click MI REF ASSIGNING and show that you can work.  If you want to click on dates and set them to not available that is ok to!  But the key is to show when you can work!